By Mike Perry

Purchasing your own home is a big step. A step that has many considerations you must take into account. While the neighborhood and crime rate is important, there is one common criterion that gets overlooked. That being public transportation.

Today more than ever we face a global crisis when it comes to population and energy. In order to help the green movement, you should choose a location near public transportation.

Although using public transportation is good for the environment, it also has a lot of other benefits. For example, your children will learn a lot from this method of transport.

If your kids can use safe and reliable public transportation, it can take much of the burden off of you when they have busy schedules and need to get places. Even when teenagers do start to drive, using public transportation whenever possible will save expense and worry.

Of course, the most obvious reason for using public transport is the fact that you are helping the environment. It certainly saves on emissions and money you would usually spend on gas.

Public transportation can also help to reduce stress levels, since you don't have to worry about negotiating bumper-to-bumper traffic on your daily commute. Taking public transportation can even help to increase your productivity, since many people read or work on the bus or subway on their way into work.

By paying a pro to drive you in to work, you will arrive in a more relaxed state. Also, one of the best things is that it is often much cheaper than driving a car, so you will end up saving money as well.

The availability of public transportation is also a good indicator of community growth and overall health. If a community has good public transportation, they usually have other good systems available as well. Even if you don't plan on taking the bus on a regular basis, finding a community that provides you with the option is a good idea.

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