Your home has been on the market for months if not years? Are you currently thinking "I wish that someone would buy my house.

It is likely that if you ask how you would go about selling your own House, you would immediately tell me that an estate agent was the only way. But for many home owners out themselves, the tide is beginning to change, with a percentage greater than we now choose to sell to a buyer of private house.

But how do you know if the services of a private home buyer are right for you? Everything depends on the amount of time in which the sale is complete.

Consider a real estate agent. The process follows generally something like this. There is an initial consultation via phone, they will then visit your home to take photographs and generally assess the property and its value. The week following that House will be advertised by the local press and within the Office of real estate agents and perhaps their website, there should be one. Some time later, you can get some interest and a potential buyer can come to visit your property. Needless to say that from this moment you will start to get fed up or stressing out because your House must constantly remains in excellent condition. Not a plate, a Bowl or toy, out of place. The trouble with this scenario is that you will never know if the potential buyer is serious, or if you just came to view the properties of curiosity, or to kill a few hours etc.. Statistics show that a high percentage of potential buyers ' are time wasters. Anyone who has sold home there before will probably have been through this before hand and understand how this can be tiresome. Worse yet is the statistics that say that the average home sale requires fifteen passengers before the sale is confirmed.

So what happens now fifteen passengers are off the road, and now you have found a buyer? All cut and dry? Certainly not. Buyer shall make arrangements for its mortgage and sell their homes. This can delay the process for up to a further two months. All this time the buyer is under no obligation to proceed with the deal, leaving you with stress still paying the mortgage, still unsure if you have a sale or not. And here lies another problem. Buyers are known to pull out at the last minute, change their minds on the 11th, more inconvenient, now. Cannot be totally their fault. They may be part of a chain that has fallen through. According to recent statistics, one in three property transactions fall.

If you are still thinking that you want someone to buy my house, but don't feel you can face the prospect of sell through an estate agent, maybe you don't want to pay their fees or commissions, so there is an alternative. You can to sell your home yourself and get a quick House sale.

If you seek the services of a specialist fast home buying company can buy home in just 3 weeks after we have made an offer on your property, often within hours. They remove the stress from the sale, providing a sale that is guaranteed and remove any worries about buyers who pulls back, or break the chain. Legal costs are deducted, and there are no fees or commissions for the service. Another advantage is that you will only have to endure a view.

In Exchange for these benefits is a quick House buyer will offer approximately 70-75% of its market value true homes. You can also sell and rent back property r. that is to sell your home but remain in it as a tenant, paying a rent of market value. This is the ideal solution if you want to access the equity in your home where you live, or have children settled in schools have stabilised. You save the cost and the concern of removals.

In short, if you have time on your hands and get home on the market, potentially years isn't going to be a problem for you, then seek the services of a reliable real estate agent. However, if you're thinking ' I need someone to buy my house now ', have the equity in the property and can afford to take a lower offer, then the services of a quick House buyer will provide a quick, discreet and emphasise the go-ahead to sell your House. It can also save you both time and money in the long term.

Corine Smith is an expert member of property and buy my house. He worked for many years for a national home builder treats both investors and individual home buyers and sellers.

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