By Justin McCarney

It is a tradition to tip the doormen in your building for the service they provide throughout the year. However, during the holiday season there are a lot of debates as to how much you should give doormen.

There are factors that are usually taken into account when tipping a doorman. The buildings size, number of doormen, number of residences, and the personal services the doorman has provided to you are all factors that you probably use in deciding how to tip at the holidays'

Your building location is also something that is taken into consideration when determining holiday tips. For instance, if you live in a luxury high rise in New York City, the tips you are expected to give are probably much higher than a smaller suburban apartment building.

There are some building managements who provide guidelines on holiday tipping. They provide a list of staff to the tenants for reference. This is very useful as it helps you manage your holiday tipping budget during the holidays and gives you an idea on how much to give.

Another great method is when the occupants set up a holiday fund by contributing to a tipping pool. The money collected is then distributed amongst all the workers equally along with a list of all contributors.

Some tenants even include generous gifts like liquor or pastries to the tips. This adds a personal touch to your tipping and will make the doorman feel more appreciated.

Though you are not required to give a tip, it is a wonderful way to show your appreciation to your doorman for the security and services he provides to you and your neighbors all year long. Tipping can be a good way to show your appreciation and ensure that you will continue to get excellent service in the year to come.

Should you chose to give a personalized tip to one or more of the doormen and not equally give to the others, be certain to put the tip in a personalized envelope or gift card. This will help you avoid any uncomfortable situations between other tenants and staff.

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