1 Speed.: like I said the first and most obvious when selling to an investor is speed. If you look at any advertising for home buyers near you very probably you learn that they have a chance to close in just two weeks. A huge factor contributing to this is their ability to secure financing. Because they need consistent funding in order to buy all the houses that used to be an active investor, you have already tried the alternative financing options. Where as a retail buyer may go into a Bank and take months to secure funding for conventional, and investor more likely already has a relationship with private lenders, hard money lenders, mortgage brokers, etc. and can close quickly.

2. "as is" sales: most investors don't mind buying a home that is a bit dirty and in need of some repairs. In fact, that is what we are most comfortable with. In order to buy homes at a discount and make a profit, investors are used to purchase houses that might take some work. Because a retail buyer inspects a home and tries to imagine living in it-dirty carpets or cracked shelves can imply the impossibility for them to follow through. In contrast, an investor Look dirty or damaged a House and looks like a gold mine. While it may take months to find a reliable contractor at a good price to make repairs, an investor has already lined up. If you do not have their own team that has a regularly works with and is familiar enough with the industry not to get ripped off.

3. Safety of close: retail buyers are known to be fickle: they can be sure I will buy your House until they learn the microwave does not work or there is another with a better school district. Because they're only buying a House, and they plan to live in it, who want to look around and keep out much better for that. An investor, however, is usually off to buy as many as you can. Because he's not going to live in the House himself, he won't make any decisions at the last minute and emotional security. Because he is so used to evaluate bids and offers, chances are that if you said it is concerned he's going to make some money. There is little chance that an investor would back out of a deal that he plans to make money on.

4 Convenience.: when you put up for sale through a real estate agent, you must be a call to leave the House with a moments notice should someone want to see it. You can repeat this process for months before anyone ever does. With an investor who does not have to deal with the frustration of making the House spotless, whenever you go out, he will tell you immediately if he has prepared to bid or not-no cleaning or leaving required!

These are just four of the different reasons that benefits one to sell to an investor. Some people are reluctant to take this route because they are scared of getting taken advantage of. Know that the investor has make a profit and sa are motivated-how can you tell if you really are getting a good deal? My response to these people would always remember the trade off. Yes it is true that if you sell through an estate agent or even alone you can get your asking price, but at the cost of what? You'll never have the certainty that eventually you sell it, and you may need to wait for months on the market that can cost you the difference in prices anyway. Once you make the decision to work with an investor ensure that getting offers from many of them. Unlike retail buyers, investors will attack if there is a good deal to be had-usually do not need an answer immediately. Also, be sure to check their references. A good investor will be able to give you some names and numbers of people who have had a positive experience of working with them.

http://sellmyhouseformoney.com/ is a website where you can go to get quick cash offer on your home. If you want to avoid foreclosure, were forced to relocate due to a job, have inherited a House, or are facing problems of divorce or maintenance, we can help you. Check also our blog for interviews with investors, suggestions about selling your home and more! Visit our website for sell your home now!